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Saturday, January 29, 2011


Déjà Vu all over again!!! I'm getting news from all over Malaysia that schools are holding their Cross-country races within this month.. and I, as the athlete of my former school, get psyched up mad with all this... I WANNA PARTICIPATE!!!
But the real Déjà Vu is that I'm still being referred to by my juniors and my former classmates... It feels weird really, it's like I'm one of those authors that respond to people seeking advice on the Ask Aunty columns you see in magazines... but I feel the joy too... being looked up at as a guy who can help, because 'help' is really a huge word to me. I can do something big for a change..

1 comment:

Nael said...

I've read everything in here, there's a lot I don't know about you for the 5 years you've been missing.