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Monday, February 22, 2010

A Start of Something New

I'm now one of the school actors for a school drama.
 I hope that I can be the evil character, Mahsuri's father in law. hahaha... (evil laugh)...
Mahsuri is said to be the most beautiful woman in Langkawi. So I suggested my ex to Teacher Noorhayati to be Mahsuri... I might try being Mahsuri's husband, just to get together with her again and spend some time with her again, but, tha evil character gets to 'kill' Mahsuri. so... I leave the rest to your imagination... MUAHAHAHA!!! (another evil laugh...)

Well, the sports day is starting, I'll be running for my team and I am most certainly hoping to win this year.  After all, when you stop running, you stop the fun.
The school's out for a few days after the sports celebration, so I guess I'll just head on home and start practising to be the evil character, and finally, stab Mahsuri...
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! (very evil laugh...)