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Monday, March 7, 2011


I've been into a lot of things for the past few weeks. Loads of articles to add to this blog but unfortunately I just couldn't make the cut. I don't have a personal computer so the time I get to go online is pretty much limited. 
So, I got reacquainted with a former classmate a few days ago and she redesigned my blog into what it looks like today.. 

Few days later she commented that this blog looks deserted. Well, I can't blame her... I've kinda been facing trouble uploading photos, writing articles, etc. So, just to be back, here's a post with some info of what I've been up to lately...

Libya is a mess right now, I check the situation up every now and then on BBC. But until now, I have no idea of which side I want to support... 
A cat gave birth to five little kittens (Five little infidels to be exact....) It was a total nuisance!! These kittens walk around wobbly and live by the sympathy of men!! I mean, Mama Cat is always by their side but what does she do? "BEG FOR FOOD MY LITTLE ONES, THAT'S IT...."

Little infidel..

Mama Infidel

Staying away from these little infidels, I joined three of my past schoolmates, Lily, Sakinah and Naelah to "design" our primary school's library. Sakinah wants to be a designer so I saw this as a really big thing for her... Naelah missed her friends, or so I think, Lily has been at it before we even started... 

So what else... hmm.. Dad's going to Sabah this Tuesday, we're finally getting a maid, I've got a grudge against my high school's admins.. 

ah- shopping just now, and this topic just acquired to me, Why is it so hard finding a mosque in a mall but so easy to wind up in a toilet! Not to mention that the toilets are much much nicer than prayer rooms...

Then... Wikipedia... I've been hanging around there for quite some time, really. Reading has always been a great hobby and Game Theory, Prisoner's Dilemma and all the crap you can think of is really there... I don't really get the point of studying the same thing others study at schools. I mean, if everyone knows it, what should I care about it? What about the other bits that schools missed?
Think about it, every school in the world focuses on creating geniuses.. So their hierarchy of syllabuses at school would be:
1> maths, science
2> language
Last> dance, arts...
funny huh..